La Miette Jaune est fini..

Pattern: Miette by Andi Satterlund
Yarn: All Seasons Cotton in Sunny
Needles: 4.5 and 5mm
Started: July 8th 2011
Finished: July 31st 2011
Though I think the look on my face here expresses The Traumas I go through to bring you a modelled shot!! I always like to see other people wearing their knits so I try though it can be painful! 
Here's a more reasonable buttoned up shot and we didn't need the top of my head anyway did we? I also think I look a bit dwarfy but praps that's because I am. I actually think I'll wear it more unbuttoned. I don't think the raglan style does me any favours around the shoulder/upper arm area but it is a peach to knit from the top.
It's all knitted as written except that I did the arms on 4.5mm rather than 5mm as that was the size I had in a nice short circ and the buttons are on the wrong side as I skim read the instructions and did the right button band without button holes - that's what knitting at a festival gets you! This is a super fast knit as I am super slow and yet it took me less than a month. I think I didn't get distracted by something shiny and new as all the way through I was convinced I was going to love the FO. The yarn feels like a squishy, ultra wearable dream, I love the colour and it's a simple knit with just those few little details to add a little interest.
Here I model the cuff for you - a nice twisted rib with a purl border and the pretty eyelet line around the edge  of the whole cardi is lovely.
Huzzah no more photos!


Marianne said…
SO very pretty!! and I love love love the first photo!
Lynne said…
Tres jolie!

bells said…
oh such a pretty knit! It looks fab on you and the reason you look dwarfy in that photo is because the photographer is looking down!

It's really very lovely. Well done!
Rose Red said…
It's so fab! It suits you so well, and the dress is perfect with it! (speaking of which, I also love that dress! What great fabric!). Hurrah for a succesful knit!
Unknown said…
It's so sweet! Good job. And really, who's gonna notice the buttons are on the wrong side.
Modelwidow said…
Very nice, love the colour and it looks good on you. I wouldn't worry about the buttons, I shouldn't think anyone will notice.
Spinster Beth said…
Ooooooh lovely! GREAT job!
mooncalf said…
Smashing. And I think your pictures are great - you can tell how much you love your new FO!
marycatharine said…
Very pretty! It looks great on you :)
DrK said…
c'est magnifique! gorgeous colour for you, how many people can wear yellow really? and yes, gorgeous with the dress. hope you get lots of wear out of it.

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