Location, Location, Location - knitcroblo5
I'm a knitter who likes to knit anywhere possible. I'm not shy about knitting in public. I think I've extolled the virtues of journeys, particularly on the train, for knitting time before and knitting makes waiting wherever I am for whatever I'm waiting for so much more bearable. I like to think it makes me look like a very patient human being. It's like a disguise!
At home I have two distinct favoured knitting places. As anyone paying attention over the last few weeks may have noticed my top favourite warm weather spot to knit is at my patio table under my plum tree. Above is the super cushioned seat that I like to place my super cushioned behind on whenever it's vaguely warm enough.
I feel slightly guilty to admit that I do not knit outside (in the backyard I mean) nearly often enough because I can't watch tv while I'm doing it!!
Thanks for the location shots, indoors and out.