All Tooled Up - knitcroblowc

I'm going for the wild card topic today as I talked about the new skill I most want to learn on Tuesday. Oddly for a girl who needs to get to grips with the hook my single, favourite, piece of knitting equipment is a crochet hook. This very basic teeny little hook has saved my bacon or more accurately my socks on more than one occasion.

One of the early pieces of advice I absorbed from somewhere was that part of the start-up equipment for knitting should be a smallish sized crochet hook which would allow you to pick up dropped stitches with much greater ease than the point of a knitting needle. I duly added a hook to the kit and have been very glad of it in one knitting crisis or another. Then, one day, as I was swearing over some slippery sock stitches too small for the one hook I had it occurred to me that I could get a 2mm hook and those weeny dropped stitches would be at my mercy. Fabulous piece of sock knitting kit that I never want to be without, though as my beloved will tell you, tiny little hooks are good at hiding, especially when they need to have their photo taken for a blog post. knitcroblowc


Kyoko said…
You know, when I asked my grandma that I wanted to knit, she taught me crochet first. At first, I thought she did it because she was old... but then I realised that crochet was so integral part of knitting and I am so grateful for it! My grandma was totally with it :D
Hope you have a lovely day!
plumbum said…
(ARGH - Captcha!!!!!!!)

When I was a little girl my mother had a special tool for picking up dropped stitches. I have an idea that it was a war-time thing, used for repairing those precious stockings. It was like a tiny-scale rug hook, with a little clasp on it that held each stitch safe as one picked them up. It was better than a small size crochet hook because it had rounded smooth edges and was less likely to split the stitches.

I have never seen one in the shops but I would love to have one of my own. I wonder if they still exist?
KnitMinion said…
I too love my crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches, they are a lifesaver!
Lynne said…
I must remember to use a crochet hook next time - a needle stretches those stitches something shocking! thanks for reminding me!
T. said…
My hooks ALWAYS go missing!

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