An Inspirational Pattern

There are so many patterns I aspire to knit and with time I'll get there one day I'm sure. With patience, persistence and the right teaching aids I've not yet found a knitting skill I've given up on trying to learn. I love the feeling that I'll never be done with the learning, that if it suits to I can just knit garter stitch scarfs but if I fancy a challenge there are so many to choose from.

At the moment it's not just another knitting stitch I most want to get to grips with. The item I want most at the moment is a great big granny square blanket and we all know what that means - the hook!
I've been meaning to learn to crochet for an age now, but as those who mocked my tiny plaiting avoidance of crochet for the Little Sister's Dress, may remember - I feel a bit in awe of it. I'd like to think this summer I might just sit down and get going, but I'm sure I thought the same last year. Still the Granny Squares pool on Flickr has all the inspiration anyone needs. My particular love is for the white/cream edged squares with very vibrant centres. Ah crafting dream world, if only there were more hours in the day!knitcroblo2


Rose Red said…
You can do it!! I seem to remember you were a bit scared of socks (toe up I think?) and you mastered those with ease! And the tops thing about crochet is that once you get going, it's really fast! So you'll have that granny square blanket in no time!
Caffeine Girl said…
I agree! Granny squares are so adorable. Someday I must get around to crochet!
Charity said…
You can do it! I've been thinking about borrowing this book from our library, I thought I might be able to crochet a string bag. :o)
Snowcatcher said…
Nothing wrong with hooking. I do it almost every day. Keeps the mind sharp as needles. :D
Lynne said…
Yep, you can do it!
Anonymous said…
i have never mastered the hook either, i think it requires more co-ordination than i am capable of, but given the lovely blankets ive seen lately, i am also tempted. will be interested to see how you go!
Anonymous said…
I love crocheting after I re-learnt it last autumn. I'm working ona giant granny square blanket. It's longterm project with a round worked every now and hten when I've got time.
JellieBeans said…
I just spent far too long looking at that flikr pool. I didn't think the granny square blankets would appeal to me but now I understand the temptation!
Rachel said…
I've been feeling the pull of the hook lately. Not necessarily a blanket, but see, there's this hat...and these potholders...and this bird...more hours you say? Hear hear.

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