A Report of a Different Kind

It's been quite a revolutionary week in my world. On Wednesday I went to London to attend the start of a programme of treatment for ME at the Optimum Health Clinic. It's just over five years since I was diagnosed this time around and lots of things slotted in to place to make this the time for this action for me.

It was a totally amazing and inspiring experience and I am feeling confident that they have the answers to what has been happening for me - if this is something that affects you or anyone you know I'd really recommend you have a read of their materials. Of course everyone is different and needs to find the right path to recovery for them but they recognise this and are successfully treating a lot of people diagnosed with ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia through their holistic, integrated approach and I am so pleased that I am now amongst the patients on their books. Briefly, as I understand it, what it seems is going on for me is an initial multi-system burnout caused by multiple factors with recovery being hampered by a maladaptive stress response preventing my body spending enough time in the healing state. It's early days but I have already learnt some wonderful lessons about coping with the stresses of this illness or process and modern life. We are designed to deal with acute stress but the overload and ME has created a chronic stress state for me to live in, the opposite of where I need to be The core things for me - be present in the moment, take it easy on myself and let my body do its stuff. I'm looking forward to the next months as I learn more about loving myself and try new ways of healing including meditation, some consistent yoga practice and above all - HAVING FUN :o)

If I need any inspiration I'll be sure to have a look at the Panda: living in the moment, resting and having fun is just her bag. She even seems to be going in for the yoga.


Anonymous said…
oh goodness me! Well that sounds to me like you have all the equipment you need for recovery - being through that once before gives you lots of experience (sadly).

Take very great care of yourself!
Kyoko said…
Firstly I didn't realise you were diagnosed ME 5 years ago. There was a really good radio 4 (I think - or may be it was radio 2) programme on ME few weeks back and I thought it was very educational.
I am very happy to hear that your visit was inspirational and gave you lots of energy.
Love the kitty images :D So cute!
Hang in there Sarah! Sending you lots of positive vibes. :D
mooncalf said…
Hurrah for having fun! I'm going to follow your example - three cheers for having fun!
Lynne said…
I'm glad you've found a place that has been given you so much joy.

A friend asked me the other day to describe "burnout" - I couldn't do ti but you've done an excellent job - thanks. Apparently I have not properly recovered from CFS in 1992 and am on an "enforced" sabbatical until April (assuming the doctor thnks I am well enough to return to work then).

Again thanks for an exellent post.
Marianne said…
Wishing you the very best and sending loads of soothing peaceful stress busting energy your way. just because every bit helps. XOX
T. said…
Hope this works out well for you!
Linda said…
I think this will work, it just sounds so good. I suppose it is a whole new way of life. Take care and enjoy that fun!
Lea said…
it is fantastic you found this. I hope it goes really really well for you. x
Charity said…
I'm glad to hear your visit was so encouraging! Gwenyth was very taken with the cat pictures... she longs for a cat in our house. :o)
Modelwidow said…
Glad to hear you have found something so inspiring and I wish you all the very best. You are so right about cats (what gorgeous pictures) I think we humans could learn a lot from them.
raining sheep said…
I did not realize you were diagnosed with ME! I am so happy to hear that you found a program that will hopefully be able to mitigate some of the issues that arise with ME. It is hard to not stress and live in the moment and look after oneself; it's important to have all the support possible to battle ME. Take care of yourself and be happy as much as possible...don't we all want the life of a kitty!
DrK said…
i think we could all learn a few lessons from this post. and from your cat. take care.
Rose Red said…
I think the advice for dealing with ME is sound advice for dealing with life. And we can definitely learn lots of valuable lessons about relaxation and fun from cats!
Rachel said…
I didn't know that you were diagnosed with ME. But I am glad that you found a program and the support to work through the physical and emotional issues arising from it...and ways to achieve recovery. I think we all would do good to practice living in the moment, being easy on oneself...quite possibly, as you say, living the life of a cat! Keep us updated.
Val said…
Beautiful cat. I love gray cats. :) And one of my aunts has recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Take good care of yourself.

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