Finding the 'right' pattern

I started a new scarf on Thursday. I really wanted to start on Levens designed by the very creative Lily Kate France. I've been wanting to make it since I first saw Amanda post about it. However Mother's Day is approaching and as much as I wanted to knit Levens for my Mum I couldn't see her wearing it very much. So when I found myself adding 'buy a Mother's Day present from Etsy' to my to do list I took the inner knitter in hand and gave her a little pep talk. There had to be a pattern out there I really wanted to knit that would fit with the yarn I had on hand here and my Mum's style. A quick browse through my favourites on Ravelry and enter Feather - I'm knitting it with sock yarn to get a skinnier scarf of the type I'm sure the recipient will love and I'm loving knitting it - definitely the right pattern for now and it means I can make a Levens all for myself one day soon. Yay!

I'm off to sew a hankie after lunch - thank you everyone for the helpful comments, support, tips, empathy and sympathy after my last post. I'll let you know how the re-match goes ;o)


Charity said…
Family can be so inconvenient at times - they just don't always want to wear what we want to make! :o) I think the scarf will be lovely - such a pretty pattern.
Lynne said…
It's a lovely scarf and a beautiful colour. That hedgehog pincushion is so cute!
Rose Red said…
I'm glad you gave yourself a pep talk, I think the Feather scarf is a lovely choice!
Anonymous said…
that is one pretty scarf!! Lovely, delicate choice.
T. said…
Lovely scarf!! Had did the hankie go?
DrK said…
what a beautiful scarf, she will love it! im a fan of the skinnier scarf as well, and it looks so soft and smooshy! lucky mum!
Rachel said…
I love that you realized what you wanted to knit may not have been the most appropriate for your mom. And that you persevered and found the pattern that would work. I often have to stop myself and ask "is this what the recipient wants or what I want to make". An important part of gift-giving I think!
t does wool said…
the scarf is the perfect choice...beautiful and delicate~
Wendy said…
I like the scarf pattern!!! I hope you had better luck with the sewing :)
Kyoko said…
I am always rushing to get something for my family's birthday presents and other occasions. In fact my mum's BD is coming up so soon and I did promise that I would knit her a pair of socks.... aagghhh!!!
I love the double leaf swatch you have knitted. It will be a lovely scarf :D
Hope you had a lovely weekend!
Lucie said…
the leaf motif is perfect for spring and looks like fun to knit. luv the hedgehog!

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