The news is good - I sewed without swearing! I tried to have fun and it worked for about 95% of the time. I spent a lot of time just sewing lines on the scraps of the shirt and that was great fun. Only a few moments of angst once I was on to the official item and it was a cruel choice of dark blue thread to really see what my seams were made of. Slugs and snails apparently!

I find hard to believe my foot is dictating the speed, I'm sure the machine chooses but after Saturday's session I have hopes that one day it might give me some say in it - until then I think my next task will be something with seams on the safely on the inside out of sight.
Oh and no-one tell Bingo that it's a hankie and not a little mat made just big enough for all four paws to fit on. Okay?
I'm glad to hear the sewing is going better!
I just love the antics of kittens.
I think the hankie looks fabulous!