Strictly Come Knitting

The sequins are back! What fabulous knitting time Strictly Come Dancing is. During some pretty dedicated watching of the last couple of series I've developed my own special dance ranking system, the knit freezeometer. For me quality/entertainment factor can be precisely measured by the time it takes me to pick back up the knitting. I pause for the start of each routine and if it's fab-u-lous then I can't take my eyes off the screen till the end, if it's D - U - double L then the knitting can recommence.

The only downside to Strictly is the lack of 'spot the natty knit' sport, sometimes they're barely wearing a dress let alone a nice cardi! Though talking of spotting the knits I was shocked to see the otherwise fabulous new Miss Marple in what looked suspiciously like a machine knit the other week, scandal in St Mary Mead!

Ah what joy the autumn tv schedules bring to this knitter's heart.


Lea said…
that sounds like fun - I hope there are lots of freeze moments, I think!
Bells said…
i like the rating system. I think that could work for a lot of tv or film. I give this film three out of five stars because I managed to get quite a lot of my sleeve done throughout....that kind of thing!
twigletqueen said…
Ahh, I love Strictly Come Dancing. I didn't realise it was back til I turned the tv on on Friday and it was 5 minutes in. Had to record both shows and then ended up staying up til 1.30am on Saturday to watch them back to back.
Charity said…
Sounds like a lot of fun! I didn't know there was a new Miss Marple - I'll have to look for it! We're halfway through the Hamish Macbeth series on DVD right now - it's a lot of fun. :o)
Rachel said…
If I watched any of the dancing shows on a regular basis, I think that I'd have a similar ranking system as you! I've seen some of them in hotel rooms and there are definitely performances that make me just stop and watch!
T. said…
I think your ranking system is perfect for all of my TV watching!!
DrK said…
hmmm i had a bit of that freezeometer working on the weekend! you think youre knitting along ok only to find something else has happened while you werent watching. it is already hot here, i would gladly have autumn back already....sigh
Your rating system sound interesting. :D I love Strictly come Dancing too, was a bit disappointed that Martina got voted out. :(
marycatharine said…
Your knit freezeometer is fantastic... I don't watch much tv but when I do it's fairly obvious if I like the show since my knitting slows right down.
Kai said…
I have exactly the same ranking system!! :D Good to know I'm not the only one.

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