From other needles
I've been dabbling a bit more with some embroidery these past few weeks. I bought the Jenny Hart book and kit some time last year but never really got going with it. Then suddenly, lately, it's been a craft quite irresistible.
Queen of the Frogger's summer notebook swap was the inspiration I think - adding an embroidery to the cover seemed like a fun customisation:
Since then I've made several little embroideries to attach to cards and I'm enjoying myself immensely, it feels like colouring in but with more sophisticated results. I'm not very skilled as yet but I've ordered a lovely felt ornament kit from Posie (to go with the one I barely managed to start last year) and I'm hoping they will inspire me to master the french knot which seems somehow pinnacle-ish in the embroidery stitch world!

and your notebook looks wonderful!
It is very inspirational. Love the balls of yarn.