Best Laid Plans
Like you all want for your blogs I want this to be a smiley, happy place but some days those smiles are harder than others. One thing that never fails to help are your comments. Thank you all so much for your lovely compliments on my last two FOs; you virtual friends are coming to mean the world to me and I love to show you what I've done and then I'm always so delighted at the many ways you find to say lovely things about simple little projects. Big smiles for you all :o)
So the Hederas are getting towards the toe of the second sock, nearly there and looking pretty. I'll not take them away with me as there isn't enough knitting left in them to earn them a space in my overcrowded case. They can await my return in a hopefully better state than I leave them.
I've got the Velvet Plum Jitterbug yarn packed to take for the trip and the pattern accompanying me, chosen by 70% of the voters, shall be Esther's. Thank you so much again to everyone who voted. I hope I'm up to it!
I love the FOs below, though the bag sounds like it turned into hard work!
I hope you feel better soon, waving my magic wand so the 'ucks' can go and take a hike off somewhere else... seriously sending warm feel better thoughts your way.
Your Hedera's are coming beautifully, and I look forward to seeing the Esthers: what a pattern! Thank-you for giving me the background of jumper. I'm considering going to the charity shop and trying to get it back now...
I hope you feel better soon.x
The Hedera's look great, can't wait to see the Velvet Plum Esthers!
See you soon (but not Monday - how weird that feels!)
Love and hugs xxx