One small stitch for man...

Starting an embroidered portrait of a tree
I have embarked on an epic project. I want to caption this photo "can you tell what it is yet?" with Aussie inflection but that phrase from my childhood is out of bounds these days. Anyway it's a trunk. Of a tree. I'm stitching a portrait of my most beloved plum tree. Everyday companion for the last twelve or so years, we haven't got long left together. I don't think I will see her blossom again. Sob.

We're most likely having an extension built. It will be amazing to have more space but I wish, I wish, I WISH I could keep my plum tree too. It won't work. If anything it's too close to the house already and should long ago have been dispatched to the great orchard in the sky. I feel like a sentimental ole fool, what a palaver over a tree. Then I think about how many memories are wrapped around that trunk and nestled in the crook of her branches and it makes a little more sense. I love that tree and enjoy it every single day. I am lucky to have shared this space with the tree and grateful for the new beginnings that are part of the ending. My family tree is a bit like this at the moment too. Ah stitchy stitching, you create space to hold so many feelings.


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