Speed knitter, amateur blocker..

..professional sit-under-shawl-and-eat-biscuits-and-drink-tea-er!

Pattern: Hay Meadow - Julie Ferguson (Girl's size)
Yarn: Artsesano British Wool - Chunky (astonishingly the yarn the pattern is written for - so rare!!)
Needles: 8mm, 100cm circ
Started: 9 June 2013
Finished: 15 June 2013

I knit this shawl in a blink of an eye for me. I was slowed slightly by the cast off which required three attempts to get the right balance of some edging and enough yarn for the greedy picot bind off but then we reached 'time for blocking'. I have blocking wires, this is not heirloom lace I should be able to do a reasonable job. I managed a 'it'll do for now I want to wear it' job but with a little more patience I will tame that picot edge next time around!!

Anyway I love this shawl! Just a small one, the pattern book suggests wearing it bandana style but I think it sits nicely on the shoulders. The fronts just  drape round with the weight of the yarn holding it in place quite comfortably. It brings that lovely extra touch of warmth and comfort that is so welcome late on a summer's eve - or you know all day long in an English summer. Back to huddling under it with tea and biscuits I go!


Anonymous said…
A lovely shawl indeed! I hope you've enjoyed your tea and biscuits! I await the post-patient-blocking pictures, tho I know (from experience) that blocking can sometimes be rather a long time coming. ;)
DrK said…
i think a little light blocking will finish that off nicely, what a great colour and pattern. i would love a summer that still got cool enough for shawl wearing!
Geeket said…
I've never actually blocked anything :/ But this looks very pretty, I might have to try my hand at it come winter :).
Rose Red said…
Got to love a quick knit that looks fantastic! I often (especially lately) dispense with blocking for quite some time!). You'll get there eventually, in the meantime, it still looks great!
Gillian Roe said…
The shawl is beautiful, I love the colour. I block everything, but that's because I am lacking in skill and I find that blocking corrects a multitude of sins. x

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