There's always the knitting

The sunshine of Italy is feeling like a long time ago as I sit under murky grey skies this end of the week. The irritations of daily life are doing their best to impinge on my shiny, squam exfoliated outlook. I mean really, even if Squam is a fortnight ago I should still be on new friend high after a super decadent meet up with two very lovely squammers and their very talented friend. We all went for afternoon tea at The Savoy on Monday but even that seems a long time ago. Though - oh my - the lavender eclair - will never be forgotten!
So I have no excuses for feeling a bit flat but luckily when life seems a little humdrum again there's comfort close by with the needles and yarn. This is a Squam inspired comfort. These lacy stitches are the start of an Aestlight which I chose as my class pattern. Gudrun definitely inspired me to stretch out my shawl skills and try some proper laceweight and this interesting, traditional construction. It begins with just one stitch and you increase each row to make this central lace triangle. One day I will leave the safe shores of heavenly, soothing garter stitch and voyage out to pick up the edges to add on a lace panel before knitting on a border to make an edge to this cloud of soft, green joy. Till then I go gently onwards, trying to practice mindfulness with each fine stitch and holding dear memories of an excellent class.


Lynne said…
You seem to be approaching the whole "feeling flat" thing very sensibly and doing those things which bring us joy, as well as good memories, is very soothing.
Anonymous said…
Afternoon tea at the Savoy! So farncy! I do so envy people who live in the UK for the ability to do such things!

I love garter stitch - and lace is so magic - can't wait for the blocking party when you get this beauty finished.
Anonymous said…
take comfort where you can - it's all you can do.
mysticvixen said…
sigh .. just lovely, that is all xoox,e
Unknown said…
Your knitting looks beautiful, but I confess, it gives me shudders. When I first tried to learn to knit, the Spanish lady sold me US9 needles and a skein of Angora. Wispy think Angora. I could not get it! ll I made were holes. I was so frustrated I gave up. Until 20 years later and a friend taught me with US8 and Worsted wool. All the difference in the world! So, I cannot bring myself to knit with large needles, thin yarn. Who knew I was such a scaredy cat!

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