C is for

A very pleased Creator.
I finished my embroidery from the camping trip and am delighted with it. It's a letter C from Alicia P's Embroidery Companion book. As lovely Alicia encourages I made the project my own and took liberties with the suggested placement, colours and then because I was a chicken - the stitches! No stem stitch or French knots in the interests of dialling down the amount of new stuff to learn to keep this fun and relaxing. It was definitely both of those things and pleasingly quick too. I bought these three beautiful variegated threads from a local company, 21st Century Yarns at the Summer School Fair a couple of years ago simply because I couldn't resist them and quite by chance had the most perfect colours for this pretty piece. This is practice for two white on white embroidered cases I want to gift for a wedding later this summer. I've had this gift idea in mind since I first pored over this wonderful book when it first came out. One wedding has come and gone without me quite getting there so I'm happy to be on track for this next one and feeling a definite love for the gentle pace of embroidery, it feels like the next step up from colouring in.


Rose Red said…
That looks fantastic! My mum is a great embroiderer, but I'm afraid hand sewing is not for me. Although when I see things like this I do wish I had the ability for it!
Fleur Cotton said…
Very beautiful, you really can't go wrong with any of Alicia's designs they are so stylish. You have embroidered it so carefully, well done.

Fleur xx
Annie Cholewa said…
That stitching is so pretty :D I must track down a copy of that book!
Wendy said…
Beautiful! your stitches are so perfect
katie metzroth said…
wow! This looks perfect! :)

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