Cough splutter squeak

I seem to have lost my blogging voice.

I'll tell you about this little sock I'm working on and see whether that helps me back here and gets me in the swing of reading and commenting with you all. Something about moving lovely Bingo off the first post may be useful - thank you dearies for your kind comments, we're still missing her madly but life careers on.

So my sock. I just turned the heel this morning. Love that moment still.
This is the Spring Forward pattern which I'm going to say is the best sock pattern in the world ever. This is attempt number two after I lost a sock in progress a few years back. The trauma of that kept me away from this gem for too long. For me it ticks the boxes of top down-ishness, clear instructions and a genius lace pattern. It seems to go faster than stocking stitch and looks so super complicated it conveys an aura of expertise and effort far beyond that required to complete it. Win!


Sea said…
Looks good, nice and springy pattern. look forward to seeing the finished socks
Modelwidow said…
That's a very interesting looking sock pattern - liking the yarn too.
Hope you are feeling a bit less 'squeaky' now.
marycatharine said…
I love patterns that let you look like a knitting genius without requiring all that work. It's a lovely colourway.
Rose Red said…
I keep hearing good things about that pattern! Thank you for reminding me I must knit it! It looks great, I love the yarn you are using.
Lynne said…
Lovely pattern - gorgeous yarn.
Charity said…
That's looking great! I love that pattern, too. :) I'm glad to see you "back"!
Anonymous said…
great colours in that yarn, cant wait to see that finished. and sometimes blogging just gets like that. youll get back into it when youre ready.
Spinster Beth said…
Gorgeous sock ...

Doing the short-rows for the heel is my favorite part of the sock. Knitting through the picked-up gussets is my least favorite!

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