Found... orange I am very happy with. It was under my nose though I didn't know it till I read back my post and realised I hadn't checked whether anyone sold the Jarol Heritage in an orange. I see that shop is out now but a Google search would be your friend if you need this exact orange too!

How simple! Though thank you so much for the suggestions - or should I say temptations, always nice to have a browse of some other yarns though it does require quite some willpower. I'm proud I didn't just start a whole rainbow blanket in these or these. Isn't that one of the hardest things about looking for one thing - not getting sidetracked off in to something else entirely.
Like say apples! I think these are small enough to be done alongside the grannies and not squash them out. I'm proud of myself for learning half treble crochet to make this - crochet in any colour is FUN!


Sea said…
Good that you found an orange, and resisted other temptations. The silk blend tempts very much :)
Rose Red said…
Yay for crochet and good oranges (or apples, as the case may be!)
T. said…
I'm very impressed. And that orange is great.
Charity said…
That is a nice orange! I love it next to the purple. Don't you love how fast crochet goes? I find it amazing! :)
Lynne said…
Glad you found what you were looking for - that's always a treat!
Linda said…
Thats a good orange!
Bells said…
oh you are taking to this like a duck to water!
DrK said…
oh im behind the times, but that is a great orange! and that gorgeous red! what a great crocheter you are becoming.
marycatharine said…
Isn't it great when you find exactly what you're looking for... although some of those other yarns sure are tempting.

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