When the Post Aligns
When you're slogging through a Friday at work there's nothing quite like a personal package or two in the post to lift your spirits and make the weekend feel a little closer, especially when they had such weekend enhancing contents.
This beautiful collection of things is the result of the Knit Love Club Owl themed swap. The club logo inspired such fondness that one lovely member organised a swap to celebrate all things owlish. Thank you so much to my swapper. Such a delightful parcel of things - look at the owl tape measure, that's a Knit Nation Ravelry party bag and oh did you ever see such a characterful owl?
He's called Daniel. Daniel has been sat at my side all weekend and encouraged me to get my act together and get on with the making of owlish items for my own swapee. My parcel also contained owl covered magnetic chart guides - fabulous for my latest knit project, a big squishy (c)owl:
Daniel had company in the knitting supporter stakes. There's one creature that is never far away when you're enjoying some settee time, Friday night was for snuggling up:
Saturday afternoon for a gentle stretch:
Then on Sunday morning she was nestled up with the contents of my other Friday parcel, the eagerly anticipated second book from Alicia 'Posie' Paulson:
Wow. It's a delight.
Everything you'd expect and somehow more. Beautiful, inspiring projects,
wonderful writing and just so much care and attention lavished on each element. It is so beautifully photographed and put together. I'd buy it for the introductions alone!
Though actually I've begun on my first project from it - a needle book-
though with more of an owl thing going on.
