More Last Minute Knitted Gifts

It's not an item from Joelle Hoverson's latest book, but in the last minute spirit I seem to be imbued with at the moment here is Willie, lying damply on the towel which was its gift wrap!
Pattern: Willie - Pamela Wynne
Yarn: Sirdar Click Chunky - 2 balls - Lamb, c3/4 ball  - Merlot, c1/2 ball - Muffler
Needles: 5.5mm
Started: May 6th 2010
Finished: August 27th 2010

What an adorable creature wee Willie is. I remember I fell instantly in love with this pattern and was so keen to knit it I bought the pattern and the yarn in a flurry. I nearly came a cropper as I made a very basic error when substituting this yarn and looked at the number of balls the pattern was written for and not the yardage of those balls. Luckily I bought two of the background colour thinking I would have enough of the others  to get two sweaters out of the four balls. The knitting gods were feeling kind that day! The Sirdar Click was a practical choice but is not a yarn to fall in love with. The wool content is not much in eveidence in the feel whilst knitting but it helped in the reshaping when it was damp I think and at least this will machine wash like a dream.

I enjoyed the construction - knit in the round from the bottom up, joining arms at the yoke. I was a bit out somehow at the yoke and running out of yarn so the decreases aren't as written but look like they'll do just fine.

Started when the bubs was six weeks old, luckily knit in the six month size this should be about perfect for the autumn. So apart from having to hand this over slightly damp seems like my timing was perfect :o)


Marianne said…
Awww, how sweet is that wee sweater!
The yoke looks more than fine! xox
Mary said…
Such a cute cardigan. The pattern is lovely and it sounds like an interesting knit. After knitting my daughter's first cardigan, I now knit two sizes bigger than her age and size as I'm such a slow knitter.
Anonymous said…
its just too cute for words! and im still giggling about handing it over damp. sounds like something id do!!
Rose Red said…
It really is so so cute!! Good on you for doing intarsia (I think it's intarsia right? that scares me silly!)
Tusa said…
Well done! It looks lovely.

I was sprint knitting too last weekend; and I took the hair dryer to the blocking board to speed up the process. It worked!
Rachel said…
Too freakin' cute. I love this wiener dog pattern!

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