On the crest of a wave...

One piece of knitting started and finished in a matter of a few days and most amazing of all - in time for the birthday deadline today. Feels like a novelty with all my deadlines missed of late. Of course it helps that I've knit this pattern before.

The only possible chance of wipe out appeared when I was trying to bind off with not quite enough yarn left but luckily my cast on had left quite a long tail so I stole some of that and that was that - just. See the the flotsam left over below.

Thanks Knitty in Pink for this pretty Giotto, this pattern and yarn combo is still winning my award for the perfect summer gift scarf.

Pattern: Morning Surf Scarf
Yarn: Colinette Giotto - Popsicle?
Needles: 9mm wooden straights
Started: 30 July 2008
Finished: 2 August 2008
Modifications: 26 stitch size


Tusa said…
Nice one.

I am in need of a project like that too.
Tusa said…
And Happy Birthday!

How could I have missed that????

Enjoy - it only gets better.
Charity said…
Beautiful, beautiful scarf! Was it just your birthday? :0)
Lynne said…
Wow! That's cutting it fine!!

Lovely scarf.
Bells said…
Oh good save! And gorgeous scarf! How beautiful!
It looks great! Glad you were able to use some of the cast-on yarn to bind-off :D
raining sheep said…
I love that scarf. I have seen various bloggers' blogs who have knitted that scarf and everyone I have seen was great and for some reason looked different. I love the colors you chose for yours...but then, it has a pinky tone to it...I love pink.
Modelwidow said…
Lovely scarf, and belated Happy Birthday,couldn't wish you well at the time as I was away but I hope you had a good one.
Marianne said…
Yowza! That was close!
Beautiful scarf!
Rose Red said…
Oh my!! How lucky! I've done that too - stealing the long tail for the cast off!!
Janey said…
Happy Belated Birthday.....it only seems like 5 minutes since your last one!

Fabulous scarf!
T. said…
I'm am always frightened about running out! I love your pic of the amount left over!
Ally Jay said…
Glad you had a good birthday. Love the colours in the scarf. It so satisfying when a project gets finished quickly but I hate running out of wool.
dreamcatcher said…
So pretty, glad you had just enough yarn!
It's very pretty. I love the yarn you used!

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