Another city, the other sock

It's been a better trip for knitting, all of this second sock has been done whilst here in Vienna. (Can't ever even think this city name without hearing this.) I'm feeling weary and glad to not be rushing to the airport having opted to fly back tomorrow and yet also so homesick that I wish I was rushing to the airport. These last three trips have been a little close together for my liking but you know how it is, so many glamourous cities to visit so little time! A little blogging will cheer me up and make me remember the perks whilst I paw over my wonderful purchases because as well as some knitting time I got to buy some:
And only you peeps will really understand why oh why I need more sock yarn? Oh these Noro colourways is why...

I've been resisting the Kureyon sock, thinking I'd hold out until the Silk Garden was available in the UK but I hadn't met any in person until this week...

The Regia colourways are rather fine too, and sooooo much cheaper in Europe that it would have been foolish not to buy them and in fact I'm wondering how I didn't buy more!!! Thanks to Mrs Lurker for a wonderful birthday pressie of stash enhancement pounds - hope you like what I bought :o)
ETA - PS Wolle is from a lovely lady called Christine Withalm address here


Glenna C said…
Enjoy the Kureyon sock! I know I have so far. :)
Rose Red said…
Oh lovely yarn! I wouldn't have resisted either. And I don't think you can go wrong with Regia!
Marianne said…
MMMMM, wonderful colours! Enjoy!
raining sheep said…
You poor girl; I know that traveling feeling. I am off to Vancouver Island - 5 days of holidays and 4 days attending a conference, nine days away from home...too long. And then two weeks later I am off to New York. I have just discovered Regia sock yarn and I am definitely in love.
Bells said…
Gosh you are getting around a bit aren't you?

Lovely, lovely yarn. Nice Kureyon!
Linda said…
I do like the Noro, I destashed some once in a moment of madness so I may need to restash!
Rachel said…
Nice stash enhancement! Glad to hear this trip went better than last although I know the weariness of traveling so much. Hopefully you'll be back home for awhile and have the time to knit up some of those gorgeous skeins!
Kath said…
Love the colours of the Noro sock stuff - yummy!
Hope you settle down after all your jet setting!
blog-blethers said…
Wow! You have some well travelled socks there:o) Beautiful yarns... I especially love the greenish Noro.
Heidi said…
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Heidi said…
Beautiful yarn. :)
Makes me want to run to the lys!
Anonymous said…
Aaah - that song! Brings back memories of (what we thought were) debauched teenage parties!

The yarn looks totally irresistible!
Anonymous said…
trip well worth it with purchases like that. gorgeous sock too. I've got one skein of Kureyon sock but not had time to use it yet.

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