Another city, the other sock
And only you peeps will really understand why oh why I need more sock yarn? Oh these Noro colourways is why...
I've been resisting the Kureyon sock, thinking I'd hold out until the Silk Garden was available in the UK but I hadn't met any in person until this week...
The Regia colourways are rather fine too, and sooooo much cheaper in Europe that it would have been foolish not to buy them and in fact I'm wondering how I didn't buy more!!! Thanks to Mrs Lurker for a wonderful birthday pressie of stash enhancement pounds - hope you like what I bought :o)
ETA - PS Wolle is from a lovely lady called Christine Withalm address here
Lovely, lovely yarn. Nice Kureyon!
Hope you settle down after all your jet setting!
Makes me want to run to the lys!
The yarn looks totally irresistible!