Yarn, yarn, glorious yarn

Nothing quite like it for warming the heart! Some people like Queen of the Froggers understand an odd concept called destashing. It's not something that computes round these parts but I was happy to help out a blogger in need :o) Got my paws on a whole kit of Summer Tweed to make Glimmer.
Another summery yarn next from another lovely blogger. This is a skein of Giotto that the lovely Knitty in Pink offered me after seeing my plans for summery scarves like the Rose Garden one which I'm pleased to report was happily received by the birthday girl at the start of the month. This colourway is perfect for a friend with an end of July birthday if I can just fit in the knitting of it!
You could say that's the crazy thing about buying more yarn, when will I knit it? But hey, it cheers my heart just looking at it so here are some soft squishy ornaments in the form of rich, red sock yarn. This comes from a UK ebay seller called The Yorkshire Wool Lady who seems to have a source for bulk buying yarn which she then winds off and sells on. Too good a bargain to miss. As was this lot of undyed wool - well it was for charity after all. Have plans for dyeing this if I can get some Kool Aid. I've still got a little space left around the house so I'm sure I'll have more to show off on my return from Canada!


Anonymous said…
You've got spaces round your house? Sounds to me like it's imperative you get yourself even more yarn! Have a good holiday.
Anonymous said…
Best of luck for your trip to Canada! Hope you get some good weather to go with it. If you're a sushi fan, definitely try some in Vancouver, it is too delicious. :)
Rachel said…
Really, is there a thing as too much yarn? That summer tweed is a beautiful color!
T. said…
Where in Canada are you going???
Kai said…
Lovely haul there! :) There's never too much yarn... never.

Have a great time in Canada.
Charity said…
Beautiful, beautiful yarn! Where are you coming in Canada? Enjoy our amazing country! :0)
Charity said…
Beautiful, beautiful yarn! Where are you coming in Canada? Enjoy our amazing country! :0)
raining sheep said…
Hope you are having a great time in Vancouver...enjoy the yarn stores.
SueJ said…
De-stashing??????? Sorry, no don't understand! Pretty yarn though. Have a good trip!
Marianne said…
I rather like having a little closet that just nearly (ok, I'm exaggerating a tad) resembles a yarn store ;^) ack, there's a long way to go but I'm working on it slowly but surely..... never 'too' much wool!
Your new yarn is gorgeous!
Have fun in Vancouver!
What great yarn! I love the color your going to use for Glimmer :) Can't wait to see how your dyeing goes!
Glenna C said…
I hope you have a great time on this side of the pond! And I hope the weather is good for you too. We often get muggy and sweltery in July, but I'll cross my fingers for cool breezes.
Linda said…
De-stash to re-stash ... thats the thing to do!! You have some lovely yarns there.
Bells said…
Such yummy stuff. It makes me happy to look at your new stash.
there is no such thing as too much yarn...as fro summer tweed, its my favourite...
Bridget said…
Enjoy your trip to Canada - I really love to go there!

I knit a shawl from Giotto yarn a few years back, and loved it. I've also received tons of compliments whenever I've worn it.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! My knee is improving, and yes, Jetsam is a lot of "help" ...

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