
...but no beret! Thanks for all the cheering on in the comments but despite the encouragement and the wonderful example for CSC from Carlos Sastre in the time trial yesterday, I haven't quite finished with the knitted on band.

Thank you so much to the organisers of the TDFKAL, to Teri our fabulous CSC knitting team leader and to my fellow riders. It's been a wonderful knitalong to be part of and has reinvigorated my love of Le Tour, sorry I couldn't quite make it, even at the back of the peloton, but thanks for having me along for the ride.

It's hard to be too upset though - deadlines are made to be extended, especially in the summer, it's been a blissful weekend and today it feels as if life is one long picnic.


Glenna C said…
Those kitties just look like the happiest creatures. Makes me want to stretch out and take a snooze.... zzzz...
Tusa said…
Yes today was lovely. Keep going with the beret. I have a deadline too. to finish Aleita for the SKC KAL which ends on 31st July. My next KAL will be ravelymplics
I'm glad you've had a good weekend! Your beret will be done before you know it!

My cats would love to be outside like yours are :)
T. said…
Thanks Sarah!! I had an awesome time! Good luck on finishing your beret.
Marianne said…
Ahhh well... you'll have it finished by the time you'll be needing it,eh?
Lynne said…
The knitting looks to be a lovely colour. Look forward to seeing the finished article.

Hope you're coping well after your trip. Mine knocked me about somewhat but I'm getting there!
Rose Red said…
Oh, that rug and those kitties - I just want to crawl on and have a nap with them!

Hm, moss stitch knitted on band...I can understand the delay! But it looks great and am sure you'll have it done by the time the cold weather rolls around!
Anonymous said…
It's been a lot of fun reading about yours and other peoples' progress on this KAL. Who needs a finished beret just yet anyway!
raining sheep said…
Yeah for summer and lazy kitties. My opinion is that in the summer you cannot impose deadlines on yourself...allow yourself to procrastinate in all the things you can.
Mary-Laure said…
I'm still waiting for that beret!

Lovely kitty, by the way.
Linda said…
Never mind! The cats look so happy, isn't the weather glorious.
Bells said…
It has been fun, hasn't it? And I agree re extended deadlines....especially in winter when I want all the comfort knitting I can get!
Rachel said…
I think I'm sort of opposed to the whole idea of knitting deadlines. Even for holiday knitting. It turns something that should be relaxing and fun into a pressure activity. So I say finish when you finish! :)

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