You Know it's Love When...

...a knitting book is added to his Amazon order to get the free shipping rather than another CD.
My current greatest yarn love is pictured here too - Colinette Jitterbug in Raspberry, leaves and all. As for any other yarn purchases, that's between me and Ravelry these days and anyway most of it is meant for gifts ;0)
The second pair of legwarmers are all done; for details see here - these are just a bit longer but still about a ball and a half of the Rowan Plaid. There may well be more of these off my needles in the future as they were well received. I am also tempted by a pair of knee high socks in this yarn - could there be any socks more cosy? These chilly autumn days must be getting to me.

There should be much knitting ahead this weekend - which gets a mention today as - joy of joys - it is a four dayer for me! I shall try and put down my needles long enough for my friend's wedding on Saturday.


Seahorse said…
Lol! That's so sweet!

I love the legwarmers. Have a good long weekend!
blog-blethers said…
lol Yep, sounds like love and an absolute keeper there;)!! My version is when he sits like a statue to let you wind yarn, despite the fact he's usually a fidget monkey, AND doesn't complain!

The Jitterbug range is just glorious, isn't it? And have a wonderful time at the wedding ... and knitting over the weekend.
Linda said…
Have a lovely long weekend! That is nice of your other half!
Curly Cable said…
What a fantastic guy you have, as long as he is not secretly wanting to become a knitter himself, make sure you keep your stash locked up just in case, lol! Those legwarmers are super, they look lovely and warm, perfect for these chilly days. Have a fabulous knitterly long weekend :)
dreamcatcher said…
Hee that's great about the knitting book :-) I do like those legwarmers. Going to have to dig out some chunky and make some too. Have a lovely long weekend!
Marianne said…
Definitely sounds like love! How funny AND sweet! and it's a great book to have.

Love the legwarmers! I'm envious of your cool weather, we're still having days in the 80s (F) and could very well have days in the 90s this time of year but usually the nights cool off, at least in the 70s...hahahaha.

Have a great weekend!
Artis-Anne said…
Aw that is so sweet and a great little book too, enjoy:)
Love the leg warmers, they do look cosy
I hope you have a great weekend too :)

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