A Letter from America

Sorry, I mean parcel but I can't get The Proclaimers song out of my head...when you go will you send back .... Take a look up the railtrack, From Miami to Canada....This was a firm favourite of mine growing up because of the line "Lewis no more"; endlessly entertaining when that's your brother's name :o)

Anyway back to the parcel - the Blue Sky Cotton has arrived:
What beauty. It is softer than I realised cotton yarn could feel, and the colour is everything I had hoped for and more. Yum!
Fantastic service from kpixie.com, I ordered the yarn last Tuesday and here it is just a week later, they packaged it beautifully too, couldn't have asked for better. They offer 10% off your first order so well worth a look ;0)
I'm just going to leave it in its box and enjoy it for the moment. I'm finding I get immense pleasure from all the preparation for a big project and yarn gazing and fondling needs to be given its time allocation before the more anxious process of swatching begins!
Talking of which I'm all swatched and ready to cast on for Moonlight which will round off today's knitting pleasure, increased as I get to use the Brittany Birch needles.
Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments on the last post - the sock yarns are singing their siren songs to me but Horace has been flourishing under the attention I've been giving and Amanda's encouragement and I'm going to finish him before I cast on for anymore socks.
Carrie-Anne - I really love the SKS book. It's full of all of the things I didn't know it would be useful to know about sock knitting! It seems to me to be very comprehensive but I'm not sure how much an experienced knitter would get from it as it's primary focus is on teaching you the construction of socks and the different ways of knitting them. If you're switched on to this already and can translate stitch patterns to work on socks you may not need a book like this? My only gripe would be that I wish they had better (and more) photos of the socks - this is a bit basic in that sense - but it probably hasn't fared well as I've been reading the exquisitely styled Rowan mags alongside.
As for the glove, trying to felt it is a very intriguing idea, thanks ArtyFartyKat for the suggestion, some internet research will be done this weekend.


Charity said…
Oh, luscious new yarn! It's so wonderful! :0)
dreamcatcher said…
The BSA yarn looks scrummy. Is the kpixie offer a permanent one? I may wish to indulge at some point :-)

Definitely worth trying felting with the gloves, let us know how you get on!
Sarah said…
The new yarn is gorgeous and 10% off! That is definitely an offer not to be ignored. I can't wait to see Flair - that colour will be perfect for spring.
Marianne said…
Oh how I love a package of beautiful yarn in the post!
Your cotton is gorgeous!
Reckless Glue said…
oooo, that looks very luxurious! Now I'm wishing I'd done mine in cotton ;)
artyfartykat said…
OOhhh, Isn't it lovely to get parcels in the post, especially when they contain such yummy yarn. Sounds like brill service, with discounts too, what more could anyone need!( cash may help!!)
If you try the felting, let us know how you get on.
acrylik said…
Lovely new yarn there - although I'm going to avoid clicking on the link as I've got to stick to my yarn diet for the moment.

Thanks so much for the book review, it does sound like a good one, and I can never get enough of technical books. Added to the wishlist!
Amanda said…
Have you seen the Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook? It is absolutely my favourite book on socks. Not so much for the patterns as for the scrumptious and truly inspirational photos. The author is Lynne Vogel and you can find it on Amazon.
I? said…
I so love Blue Sky yarns. They are just wonderful! Enjoy the fondling and gazing :)

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