Hello Strangers

Ever feel like life is conspiring against you?

Not been the best few weeks but all is fine in the grand scheme of things. Thank you Amanda and Marianne for your concern.

Knitting liking blogging has been sparse of late, Horace is finished and awaiting his photo call - he's cute - though he somehow ended up with wings instead of arms! What knitting there is, is on a garter rib sock from SKS and I'm finding the instructions great.

Things are definitely looking up, am off to Salzburg for work on Friday and have a tip for a good yarn store from Dipsy Doodle. Thanks again Dipsy. Just got to find that passport first....


Seahorse said…
Good to hear all is (more or less) well.

Salzburg! Lovely!
artyfartykat said…
Enjoy your trip! I love Salzburg!
Glenna C said…
Glad to know you're doing all right! Good luck with the travels :)
Charity said…
Nice to know you're doing allright - have a great trip! :0)
Sarah said…
Wow! I wish I had a job that needed me to go to Salzburg. Have a brilliant time. I hope you find that yarn store.
Artis-Anne said…
So glad to know you are okay:) Enjoy your trip and take plenty of photos for us 'armchair travellers '
Reckless Glue said…
I was wondering where you were! --you've been missed :)
Marianne said…
What a relief, I was quite concerned.
Enjoy your 'work' trip, hope you find the yarn stores, so glad to hear 'whatever' is turning round and life looking up again.

Hey, there's Charity, is her pc up and running again?
Amanda said…
Yay.. I'm very relieved you're OK too. Well done on finishing Horace. Horace with wings eh! Shhhhh... my Horace will be jealous. The closest he gets to flying is falling out of bed!
acrylik said…
Lovely to see you back, I was wondering if all was OK. Have a wonderful trip to Salzburg!

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