Softly in to the New Year

Honey pot homemade poured beeswax candle
The Christmas decoration are still up. Taking it slow this year. I'm glad to be easing back in to routines and stretching in to the New Year but still craving the sparkling cosiness that the holidays bring so much of. As ever I am so not ready for the kind of brisk spartan jumping to attention that gets pushed so hard in this month of resolving to be something other than who you find yourself to be.

I'm really rather liking where I find myself to be at the moment. Moving at a pace that feels right, changing it as the day demands. Finding ways to let expectations drift away. Making fresh starts in gentler, more regular adjustments. Taking small steps rather than just thinking about big leaps.

Warm and soft in the glow of fairy lights and beeswax candles. I made the one above a couple of months ago and made another batch last weekend. Mostly poured containers which are fast to do and so satisfying. I love knowing that they are a healthy addition to my environment as well as deeply pleasing to my eye. There's also that inner glow of satisfaction that I made them with my hands. I also rolled some candles from sheets of wax this time, even easier and a really wonderful, tactile experience. Quite literally keeping the creative flame burning.


Rachel said…
This? This is perfect Sarah. What you write here is something that I've struggled with in the past. This year, I'm easing as well...challenging myself only with those things I know to be true to who I really am. Wishing you a great and true 2015.

ps -- love the candles...the intention and the product.

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