
Bare tree branches against sunrise

Seagull and windsurfer silhouetted against winter sky

Rainbow over street of houses

Altar items in the sunshine

Collaging and creating vision boards for word of the year

playing with words

Needle felting hedgehog

Siamese and Oriental Short Hair cats

Cats perching on the sofa

Hyacinth bulbs indoors

Cushions on rocking chair
This is my second year of choosing a guiding word, last year I went for silly which then evolved in to play by the end of the year when it started to feel much more like it had some real meaning for me. Choosing a word at the start of the year in our midwinter means my thoughts straying towards options like sleep, hibernate and blanket. Much though that feels kind of awesome right now I think nurture has a bit more room for in it for some other intentions and greater excitement as the year saunters on! I'm trying to engage much more actively with all that choosing a word to help focus on can bring. Last year I think it was just something I ticked off my to do list of looking after myself better and consequently it didn't make all that much difference in some ways. This year - once more with feeling.

For me nurture begins with a lot of time at home, some collages and word play to really connect with all the aspects of what I want my life to feel like. A big focus on health for sure. Really digging in to that and how I can take excellent care of myself. Superlative care rather than skimping, nearly getting there, just putting enough in to it to keep things from coming to a juddering halt. Walking more, healing a grumbling shoulder, trying out some t'ai chi. A quiet time around commitments. So many naps and so much sleep. Space and time to think and feel. With that some moments of blah, discomfort and grrr. Listening to that and giving them their star time in the spotlight to help to heal what lies beneath and move through them rather try and find a distraction from them. Beyond them come sparkles and fizz and waking in the morning with a stretch and a smile of anticipation and excitement about what the day may have in store.

There are pools of crafting, dabbling here and there in projects on the go. Feeling the benefits of the process more than anything. My big finished item in felt needs to reach its new owner before I show off the hastily snapped photos. I could have carried on with it forever I think but it is long overdue. A little hedgehog in progress now. I'm signed up for a local mixed media class in March and taking sewing and drawing classes at Squam in June. On with the trying 'all the crafts' project!

There is caring to be shared. Two new residents in our nest as of Monday this week. Little souls who tip their tiny triangular heads on the side, watching and working out if they will like being here with us. I adore them already. Having furry purry heartbeats back in my home is everything I had hoped it would be. I can feel nurturing instincts abound whenever I move a little quickly and startle them, when a tentative paw tries out my lap for comfort factor, when a little trickle of purrs floats up.

One month in to this nurturing year I am feeling at peace with this gorgeous journey, happy in my corner of this wonderful world.


Fiona said…
I love the way you call it a guiding word - often my word becomes THE WAY THINGS MUST BE DONE and another pressure. This post reminds me to soften into it more. Also, so glad the furs are settling in well :)
Rose Red said…
Excellent choice of word, very applicable to me this year too!

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