
One of my new found pleasures this summer has been Instagram , I'm late to the party but enjoying it very much. Three months in to using the app I am a BIG fan. Here is a mosaic of a few of my favourite shots from August. Happy summery month, with work trips curtailed it was all spent in the UK for the first time in I don't know how long. I love capturing ordinary little moments from the days. Something pretty, something funny, anything that makes me pause. I love the immediacy of the capture and share with Instagram. Since I began knitting and blogging I'm always reaching for the camera or the phone to help hold on to a little fragment of a memory, I talked about the window these creative hobbies give me on to my own life earlier in the year. I find though when I upload photos and think about blogging I'm picky about the subject matter, the quality of the shot and am of course reflecting back on the moment rather than being there in it. Good to be able to be more ...