Craft power

So all that talk about tidying craft supplies this weekend? Well as it got closer I knew all I wanted to do today was CRAFT. I was all talk yesterday evening, "I'm going to POWER CRAFT tomorrow, sew this, knit that, make cards, jewellery blah blah blah". Probably an entire new craft could have been learned as well...

Turns out the power of the craft was in the pace it got me too. No more capital letters here now. All is mellow and right with the world after a bit of knitting here and there. I kind of sewed some hearts, thought mainly I played with fabric. Just  finding time to stop and stare, letting the power of craft have its way.


Rose Red said…
I always have grand crafting plans when I have some free time! I always forget to allow some dreaming time while I do it!
Anita said…
lol. That so sounds like me. That's the trouble when you're an addicted can't put those needles down.
Cheers, Anita.
Meri said…
Hi Sarah, I am dropping by to say hi :)
I understand the mellow - every weekend I am determined to tidy up my books, but once I start to knit, everything went by in a blur… Have fun!

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