A squock

A squock = a single sock being knit for a fellow Squammer in a special swap based on the Sock Roulette I played a fair few moons ago. The yarn is dyed by another Squammer as part of a collection reflecting the Winter Light in her part of the world. I love how knitting on this and with this makes distance diminish, Alaska feels closer. Time compresses, the memories from last October are more vivid again. I can feel the excitement of the first single sock swap and the pleasure of first experiences of a new yarn and a new technique. So much in a few loops in some yarn.


Anonymous said…
Oh My! That is a lovely color yarn there my friend! Sounds like you enjoyed the swap...
Just popped by to say Hi and see what you were up to! :D
Hugs and enjoy your week,
Beth P
raining sheep said…
Beautiful yarn...and knitting one sock seems to be about the only thing I have accomplished in knitting for a long time.
Rachel said…
I adore this idea. I remember when I first started a blog that a group of knitters were doing a single sock swap. I hadn't seen it since but think it's such an excellent idea. Beautiful colors too...it does look like a winter sunset!
Hello, how lovely to find you. The moment I saw your banner I was transformed into a world of hand knit goodness, absolutely lovely, looking forward to more. I hope your swap goes well, I swapped a swift case for a pair of hand knit socks, it was great! - Annie
DrK said…
oh i love knitting things that have so many memories associated. what a gorgeous colour mix!
Lynne said…
Pretty yarn, novel idea!
mysticvixen said…
what what??? a squock? this is all new knitting language to me . . but you will explain it all when we are knitting and sitting and hanging in ENGLAND next October together .. . !!!! xoox,e

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