New Project Excitement

I started a new cardigan on Sunday and it's been fun coming home to it these darkening autumn evenings. It's the epitome of a cosy knit, a big chunky needled snuggle.
I meant to make it last year for Christmas or my friend's birthday; a year on it's still been lurking in the back of my mind as a must make even if I'm not knitting Christmas gifts anymore.... We'll see! With big knits there's at least some hope for me that the new project excitement will carry me through to the tipping point when nearly finished excitement makes it the most desirable thing to work on again.
This is what I'm aiming for though the sub of the Plaid for the plain Polar the pattern specifies makes the token blobs of texture somewhat obscured. Still it helps keep track of the rows. 

It promises to be a low key weekend with plenty of crafty time. I hope the same applies if that sounds blissful to you too.


Anonymous said…
Looks good!!
Rose Red said…
New project, woo hoo! I want a new project too! (even though I did just start a new project last week...) looks very cosy and snuggly!
Sea said…
It's always nice to get around to making something for yourself. :)
Lynne said…
Ah, the excitment of a new project!

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