Sock in the rain

Or more accurately - sock on a sock blocker safe and dry inside while outside it's raining like it will never stop. Every drop is making me ever more glad I found that patch of sun on Friday! Let these colours chase away the grey.
This is the never ending Wollmeise sock that I frogged the too small version of back in March having previously abandoned the stranded tangle. It's taken months to finish this first one (and my Mum knitted a big section when she came to stay!). 

I love the yarn, I love just knitting it plain, I love the swirl of colours at this stitch count - so very different from the smallies - I think these are 72 stitches cast on v 56 and it's magic what that does to the yarn. I don't love my lack of sock knitting this year, just not feeling the socky love so strongly. 

My feet don't agree! They are definitely full of affection for the hand knits cosying their toes at the moment and as this pair are promised to my Mama it's a good job there's a need for travel knitting that a sock meets so well. It's at least kept these creeping along and as it's not long till holiday time and some long drives in the van hopefully that should kick the second one (and my sock mojo) in to gear.


Spinster Beth said…
The colors make me think of Mars and Neptune! Very lovely!
Unknown said…
What fantastic colours :0)

Hope you get your sock-knitting mojo back soon.
Rose Red said…
Wow - those colours are just amazing. Such lovely yarn!
Lynne said…
Lovely colourful socks.

I'm not really feeling the sock love at the moment either - but the only things in my sock drawer are commercial and have either got holes or stretched hopelessly out of shape. I don't just want handknitted socks - I need them! It's time to knit socks for me (something I've never done before)!
Charity said…
I haven't been in a sock-knitting place, either. I'm not sure why... I had big plans, but there's no sock love here. :( Yours is lovely, though - sometimes plain socks are the best!
DrK said…
it is pouring rain here too on the other wise of the world, and i am wearing hand knit socks too. malabrigo in ravelry red. i am knitting a pair of conwy's in wollmeise though, and it really is spectacular yarn. smooshy indeed. gorgeous colours in this one!
Northern Monkey said…
Ooh those colours are fabulous
Modelwidow said…
Lovely colours. I know what you mean, I wish I liked knitting socks as much as my feet liked wearing them too.
Anonymous said…
love the bright cheerful colours!
marycatharine said…
The colours are perfect for a rainy day... it's been raining forever here as well.
t does wool said…
what great socks,love them..
I've been MIA..forgive my absence..good to see you Sarah..
Rachel said…
Wow--such bright pretty colors! I hope your sock mojo returns to's always a joy to see what designs you pick!
Anita said…
Hi Sarah, Those colours are super duper. Socks rule!! You'll get back into it. A bit of holiday time, you're doomed. lol. Kind regards, Anita.

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