I'm a loser, here are the winners

I'm going as fast as my legs will carry me and yet I'm just so slow at getting to things at the moment. I'm a total bloggy loser, I've hardly visited you peeps in weeks, it feels dusty and neglected here with just a quick fly by now and again. I picked out my winners from my four year post last Sunday and then never got them announced. Still I know you dears will forgive me and four years of blogging have taught me never to do it out of obligation. I always find my way back to the blogosphere eventually because I love this little creation and all of your creations so much that the time is always found. 

Thank you so much everyone for your lovely comments and with no further ado the random number generator and I picked the following winners:

Winning the spotty heart buttons is Gill, Anita I hope you'd like the blue stripey hearts, Charity it's stitch markers for you and for Bells the round black and white buttons. I think I've made contact with you all to get your addresses though comment here or pm me on Rav - (I'm Thumbelina) if you haven't had an email/comment.

And for a pretty picture here's a couple of little extra balls of yarn for (insanely) yet more gifts. These fingers better get flying this weekend. Happy Knitting!


I am going to start my gift making in January!!!!
Charity said…
Starting gift-making in January is such a good idea... I wonder if I'll ever actually do it?? I just saw someone who knit a pair of socks a month all year... maybe I could do a Season of Socks for Christmas? :o) Congrats to all the button winner, and thanks again for the generous giveaway!
Anita said…
I've won buttons!! I'm so happy!! Thank you very much and I will contact you soon. Kind regards, Anita.
Kathy said…
Yeah, sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, but we all understanding. WE'll just wait patiently to see what you've been up to. I've also noticed blogs tend to go silent this time of year as people are in the throes of gift knitting. Of course, I've been doing selfish knitting so I don't have an excuse!
marycatharine said…
Your list must be very impressive by now :) Life is always more important and interesting than blogging.
raining sheep said…
Hey, hope you are doing well. I am going to be checking out of computerland for a bit so I thought I would pop by and wish you a merry Christmas. I am basically doing a post on Friday and then taking a nice big long break :) Hugs.
Charity said…
Sarah - my stitch markers arrived today - thank you so much!! They're lovely, and I will enjoy thinking of you, and the wonderfulness of blog buddies, whenever I use them. :o) Cheers!

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