Millimetre by millimetre

Oh why, oh why is Socktober flying  away so fast? I'm making glacially slow progress on my beautiful Carettas. They were three quarters done before the month started. 
This toe has been tormenting me all week, so close, yet so far, from an actual finished sock. Even when I manage to sit down with it in my hands I'm so tired it gets only a row or two longer. Still I'm hopeful that today even I must be able to finish off these toe decreases.

I'd thought I'd be on to the Lorna's Laces next but then last weekend the next club parcel arrived with this in it. 
Seriously! I'm so excited to even hold this legendary yarn I think I have to let it queue jump!


Caffeine Girl said…
Ah, the legendary yarn. I've never touched it either! It is absolutely gorgeous.
Rose Red said…
wollmeise weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Definitely deserving of a queue jump! But maybe too pretty for socks! Have you seen any of Wenat's pooling shawls (on rav)? They are an amazing way of using the WM variegated yarns to show off the colours.
Anonymous said…
oh yes, queue jump for sure! if it kind of stripes that yarn would make stunning socks!
Kitty said…
I fully intended to participate in socktober this month- and totially forgot about it. Oh well, there's always next year!
Charity said…
The sock really is fabulous looking, even if it's so slow to finish. Gorgeous!
Bells said…
oh god yes. Put it right up there. Am knitting my first wollmeise socks now and just loving it.

What will they be?

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