Holiday Knitting, Part I

Beaches and knitting - can't go too far wrong with a holiday heavy on those two things can you?

Avon Beach, Mudeford
I took three knits away with me. First up was a project suited to car knitting time: Jonna, a simple ribbed scarf, in more of the scrumptious Cashsoft, in Poppy this time.

I started this just before we went away to make sure I had something simple on the go.
View across to the Isle of Wight

The Spring Shoots socks I took are not really complicated, it's just that the unusual construction means that they require that little bit more thought and attention than car knitting, or indeed post-work knitting time tends to offer.

Perfect for peaceful holiday time.
Mudeford Spit from Hengistbury Head

I also used my holiday peace to start a pattern I knew would need a little thinking about: Summit. I got the chance to buy another skein of the Sunna sock club yarn that I was saving for a scarf, thus the search for a suitable pattern grew to shawl proportions. I was so intrigued by the picture of Summit that I knew I had to try and knit it so that I could understand the construction. It's really very clever, simple to work but not simple to work out. 
I love the story behind the design and using the thought of the work that the designer put in as motivation I taught myself a new skill as I started this. You work across a small number of stitches at any one time so I used some of my spare holiday brain power to work out how to reverse knit to avoid turning and purling. It's often recommended for entrelac but I could never be bothered to learn when I was working on Lady Eleanor. I certainly should have done. At the moment I'm still slower than I would be turning and purling but I think there's enough of Summit to get me up to speed! It feels good to learn a new knitting skill, a very nice holiday souvenir.
I have one more knitting souvenir - a new project on the go that I found the perfect yarn for  in Christchurch  - but I'll save that for a post all its own. It's lovely to be back but I could cheerfully take that holiday again, maybe once a month!
Sunset at Rottingdean    


I enjoyed your blog - wonderful pictures and your knitting projects are lovely.
Rose Red said…
I love the summit pattern too! And I also taught myself to purl without turning AFTER I made my Lady Eleanor too!
T. said…
Jealous!! Looks like you're have a well-deserved holiday.
Caffeine Girl said…
I love hearing about your process for choosing travel knitting. I also always bring multiple projects, so as not to waste any precious knitting time!
Katie said…
How have I missed Summit? This is the first I've seen it! So interesting - I might have to give it a go. I also need to figure out reverse knitting. Did you find a tutorial on line or are you just making it up as you go?
Charity said…
Very nice holiday knitting!! Those socks are fabulous! :o)
Anonymous said…
oh beautiful summer scenery, beautiful summer knitting! cashsoft ....... drrooool....
Lea said…
that is looking like such a wonderful holiday, and some great projects. Hope you have a wonderful time for the rest of it.
Modelwidow said…
Looks like a lovely break, and a great selection of projects. Summit certainly looks interesting, and as for reverse knitting, now that's something I need to investigate.
Mary said…
Lovely holiday knits. It sounds like you had a relaxing holiday. The Summit pattern looks interesting and unusual. I look forward to seeing your knitting souvenir.
Bells said…
I love this post. It's just gorgeous and captures so well the way we knitters approach our knitting on holidays!
raining sheep said…
Sigh! Beautiful beach photos. Lovely knitting. Just wish it was me at the beach. San Francisco was wonderful and too short a stay.
Rachel said…
You certainly can't go wrong with knitting and the beach. That last design is intriguing me...

Glad you had a good time on holiday!

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