A Deadline Free Fortnight

I didn't get Lev-Mano finished, still working round the body as I got hit by sooo much work to do at the end of last week. Still alls well that doesn't end yet as there was no way I would have wanted to be wearing it this weekend. England remembered to have at least some summer weather this year. Even having it on my lap has been a little cosy though it's grey and cooler today.
So with the passing of that deadline I'm pleased to be looking ahead to two weeks off work and deadline-less. Truly delicious. It's been several years since I had such a luxury. I'm keeping away from to do lists, tasks and schedules and trying to stick to just doing what feels like fun. I just made a big pile of fun-spiration.The only deadline I really must stick to is making it to airport on time for a long weekend in Berlin in the middle of my weeks off. Not a hard life is it?


t does wool said…
not a hard life at all! great knit...
enjoy your time off,Sarah
Rose Red said…
Two weeks off! How lovely! Have a fab time!
Bells said…
a long weekend in Berlin! Oh it's impossible do such things from this far away - that's really one of the best things about living where you do - Europe can be taken in in small trips. Have a lovely time and two fabulously restful weeks!
Linda said…
Have a super 2 weeks off, how wonderful! Have a great deadline free time.
T. said…
Yes - life sounds rough! Enjoy your deadline-less 2 weeks.
Charity said…
Oh, how wonderful! Enjoy your two weeks of deadline free living! :o)
raining sheep said…
Yipee for no deadlines. I want to be there too...I have a ways to go. Love how that knit is turning out. That pink is luscious.
Rachel said…
oh it sounds like pure bliss! Enjoy yourself!
Anonymous said…
oh yay! enjoy your weeks off, truly blissful! expect to see lots of FOs at the end of it!

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