Supposed to be packing...

...but just a quick break to show the latest craft to hit this house.
Patchwork! We're making two squares towards 40 for a friend who turns 40 at the end of the year. Our mutual friends organising this project are amazing - they've bought and cut all the fabrics and sent them out with the best instructions - such that even total patchwork novices can achieve a log cabin square of (almost) the right proportions. This is the first real action this machine has seen, I really need a block of time to sit down and sew some simple things and get to grips with it. Maybe after holiday, anyone for a tote bag for their Christmas gift?
Each square will be embroidered with a word that connects the sewer and the giftee . What a fabulous gift it will be.
So back to the packing, we fly tomorrow and have just about everything organised, well as much as it needs to be, smooching around without too many plans often makes for the best times in a new city doesn't it? Have a happy fortnight :)


Kelly said…
Nice job! I made a log cabin quilt a few years ago, and I have been meaning to start another one.
Lynne said…
I made a log cabin block once and it was not as difficult as patchwork always seemed. However, it has never made it past the block stage. One day I should add an equivalent large piece and make it a bag for dirty laundry while travelling!

Have a great trip!
Rose Red said…
What a great gift! Very special!

Oh your holiday! Envy (1000). Have a lovely lovely time! Take lots of pics (esp in the yarn stores!) to make us all jealous!
Bells said…
i am sure you'll have a gorgeous time!

I admire your beginner log cabin skills. I want to be able to do that too.

Oh and you won my contest! But I emailed you already.

clarabelle said…
What lovely friends the giftee has!

Have a brilliant holiday and come back with lots of photos please...
Snooze said…
What a wonderful gift .... the colours are beautiful together.
Lea said…
Go Sarah! what great sewing. I am loving a bit of sewing at the moment. Have a great time away/
T. said…
You are multi-talented. Bon voyage!
raining sheep said…
A log cabin patch! Love it. You pieced that really well.
Rachel said…
Beautiful colors on your piece! I really want to get into sewing more...had a machine a friend gave me but no time to really feel comfortable with piecing yet!

Hope your trip is amazing and you get decent weather in Portland!
Linda said…
Thats a great idea for a present. have a lovely holiday. x Report back on all the yarny shops to us!
Anonymous said…
Great gift idea. Nice sewing. I can't sew at all.
t does wool said…
a little late Sarah,but have fun...and love the log cabin ...perfect colors.

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