A gentle start for some

Two fabulous stages to kick off Le Tour including a win for Cavendish, fellow Brit and Columbia team mate :o) For me it was a gentle start with some entrelac bringing a French air to my living room. Lady Eleanor, begun in 2007 and oft neglected since, has been the first to benefit from some attention.

This is my personal Tour course: Plenty of challenging inclines as I try and finish everything on the needles as a King of the Mountains rider aiming for as many completed WIPS as possible. While the GC riders and sprinters have their days, I'll ride along with the peloton getting a few kilometres past the needles and bide my time for the glory days in these mountains that I hope are to come. Aptly the reverse of the stole has something of the mountain range about it to my eye.


T. said…
Love the pic of your course...

Bonne chance...
Lea said…
what a great post!
Rose Red said…
Love the course map!! Good luck with it!

Also, love how your Lady E is looking - I think that's the nicest Noro colourway I've ever seen.
Charity said…
Good luck - it will be a very full month! You can do it! :o)
marycatharine said…
Good luck with your course!
Bells said…
oh i love reading the posts where people actually have some idea of what's going on in the race. I haven't. Good job!
Good luck on the tour, I love the back of Lady E:)
Anonymous said…
Good luck.
Linda said…
Thats great, love the course you are on!
I love how your Lady Eleanor is looking :) Great course map; good luck!!
Anna said…
I love your mountainous WIP shot! Good luck with it.

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