Saturday Night's Alright (for Knitting)

Saturday night's alright alright, especially when I'm home alone with a knitting challenge to master. Sock Innovation has brought back the sock addiction with a vengeance.

Using Anni's yarn I won from Sockamania for Angee inspired me to try and be a better Sockamaniac and actually join in. It's nearly a year since my last which won me the pretty green yarn. This month it's a beautiful toe-up pattern - Lazy Leaves.I've never embraced toe-up socks, my short row toes from a crochet provisional cast-on have never lived up to the toes done top down, but I don't want to miss out on (or have to rework) toe-up patterns. So, with a quiet evening to spend as I chose, I thought I'd try and best an old foe. Judy's Magic Cast-on. This time with Cat Bordhi on my side:

I did it:Hurrah for the power of the knitternet! Seeing a demonstration of this technique and being able to follow the hand movements made the world of difference. When this clicks it is very straightforward but I remember getting so frustrated trying to follow the written instructions and pictures. I think tutorial videos are the best teaching aid - I went back and watched the exact bits I wanted to see over and over - a real live teacher would have passed out with boredom! They would have been proud of my finished toe though:So neat and tidy -
even the inside :o)


Rose Red said…
Video instructions are great aren't they!

So glad you worked out Judy's MCO - I just love it (although of course I do have to look at the instructions every time I do it!!)
Melissa said…
That is a very pretty toe indead. I need to get my hands on a copy of sock innovation.

If it wasn't for video tutorials I would have given up sock knitting ages ago!
Bells said…
oh yes I learned the same way one quiet Sunday morning. I still haven't knit a full toe up sock but i know how to do the toe now - doesn't it just make you feel so damn clever?
Kai said…
Fabulous toe! I so need to look at these instructions. My short rows are abysmal.
dreamcatcher said…
The videos are so helpful, I'd never have worked out long tail cast-on from pictures either :-) The toe looks so neat!
Marianne said…
How cool is that? What a fabulous toe you have there and yes, all neat and tidy, will have to check that video out for sure!
That's some pretty yarn there, lovely colours!
T. said…
That toe looks great!
marycatharine said…
It's so neat and pretty! Magic cast on is so hard, good on you for persisting. Can't wait to see the finished sock.
Charity said…
That IS a very nice toe you have there! :o)
Anna said…
Oh, good for you for figuring it out! I love video tutorials too, especially the way you can pause every half second to make sure you are doing the same as they are!
Lynne said…
Yes, definitely a neat and tidy toe!

I'll have to investigate this technique myself 'one day'!
amanda said…
I need to check this out. Haven't had the bottle for toe up yet!
Anonymous said…
the perfect toe. I always use (and teach in my workshops) the Turkish/Eastern cast on. It's not the easiest to use but looks very good. And the internet has come to my rescue lots of times too.

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