Bank Lolling-day Monday

Thank you all for your lovely comments on Francis R and I'm glad my photo plight amused.

We've had some glorious weather this weekend and I had my second garden knitting session of the season this afternoon. Lil would like to demonstrate that when she wants to she can sit beautifully for the camera.Or perhaps she was just queuing to be next for the deckchair!


Rose Red said…
I think she's a bit "who is this human on MY chair? Please remove her immediately!!"
Anonymous said…
Aw, what a cutie pie! Love her little white mittens :)
Lea said…
still plotting to kill you I think
Bells said…
Lolling is good. we like lolling here.
She's so cute! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day :)
Lynne said…
Yes, it's amazing how cats immediately find a recently vacated[still warm] seat!!
Emma Mooney said…
Hi! I just love your blog! I am English and living in the constant heat of Singapore and I love to see all your photos of the seasons and your beautiful knitting - thanks so much for sharing and it's so lovely to "look in" and see what you are creating. Love, Emma x (aka Chalkhill Blue)
Sarah said…
Thanks so much Emma - I can't find a blog or Ravelry account for you - are you out there on the web?

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