Exciting new project for me, me, ME!
Making a list of resolutions for the new year is not something I bother with too much (you can tell by this opening that I will now go on to talk about the new year's resolutions I am going to make for 2009 but work with me, one day I'll resolve to be consistent).
I like to think that I'm always working towards living better (and what that means varies wildly from moment to moment) I resolve to do all sorts of things whenever the whim takes me with varying degrees of success in keeping to them. At the end of the year I'd rather think about all the great things I've done than see a list of things I haven't. However at the New Year's Eve supper we attended this year I got asked for a resolution and out popped 'knit myself more jumpers'. And so, more jumpers I must knit. Notice the vagueness of 'more'?I finished two jumpers in 2008. I think this goal is achievable.
I'm off to a good start with the first new project of the year - a shrug for myself in the truly indulgent Kidsilk Haze. My very, kind parents bought me the yarn for Christmas and if you noticed the Harmony Options circular cable it's hanging from you'll know that I am a thoroughly spoilt knitter. The 1TB's parents treated me to the full set of these terrific needles. What's that you want to see them all? Here you are then - isn't it a compact box of joy? Much more portable than I had anticipated.
I had a definite idea of how I wanted this shrug to look but couldn't find a suitable pattern written in a fine yarn so I'm following the pattern for the Two Tone Ribbed Shrug by the glorious Stefanie Japel whose great book Fitted Knits I got approximately 2 billion years ago* and have never knit from. This brings me on to another resolution (stolen from Lin so I think it doesn't count so much as a resolution, more as copying a good idea) to actually knit more things from my wonderful collection of knitting books. The knitting shelf is getting full and yet so rarely do I actually make a pattern from a book I own. I made a head start on this resolution at the end of 2008 as I finally managed to knit something from one of my all time favourite pattern books - Knitting Nature - when I made Mum's Spiral Scarf. I find resolving to do something after you have started to do it is quite a good way of upping the achievement ratio. Anyone else ever add things to their to do list that they've already done? Makes me feel good :o)
*Well Christmas 2007 does feel that long ago sometimes.
I like to think that I'm always working towards living better (and what that means varies wildly from moment to moment) I resolve to do all sorts of things whenever the whim takes me with varying degrees of success in keeping to them. At the end of the year I'd rather think about all the great things I've done than see a list of things I haven't. However at the New Year's Eve supper we attended this year I got asked for a resolution and out popped 'knit myself more jumpers'. And so, more jumpers I must knit. Notice the vagueness of 'more'?I finished two jumpers in 2008. I think this goal is achievable.
*Well Christmas 2007 does feel that long ago sometimes.
I love how the shrug is looking. KSH + Harmony Options = knitting heaven in my book!
I used to count it a blessing if I knitted myself one jumper a year but since I no longer wear them - airconditioning at both places of work have made jumpers awkward and unnecessary - I haven't knitted anything for myself in years! Go for it - you can do it and you probably have more need of them than I do!
Me three on knitting from my books - I do think about it from time to time, but never seem to actually do anything about it - except knit from books I've already knitted from!!
You are very spoiled - family who buy you knitting related stuff! Wow.
Kidsilk Haze, mmm, so pretty!
I have also declared 2009 to be the year I knit more for myself :^)
(it's harder than you'd think)
I also agree re the needles and I couldn't imagine kniting with any others now. Enjoy :)
One of my aims for 2008 is to knit something in KSH as it has previously defeated me. I'm thinking of "Tender" from the Nectar book.