
January can be a bit too grey, grey, muddy brown, grey for my liking. So I've signed up for Project Spectrum and sought out some colourful cheerleaders from around my house.


Piglottie said…
Wonderful colours! Just what I need to brighten up a dull day. Off to have a browse at the Project Spectrum thing as I keep hearing lots about it...
twigletqueen said…
Ooh, me too! I have 12 skeins of bright red Cathay in the post to add to my overflowing stash. (I couldn't pass it up, it was £2 a ball)
Marianne said…
You're such a clever young woman! Love the bright cheery colours!
Linda said…
Lovely pictures! I might sign up for that this year too.
Lolly said…
Ooh, I am happy that you are participating in PS!
blog-blethers said…
Wow! What great colours you've managed to track down in this driech January ... and clever way of raising those post-holiday blues. I've invested in some Noro Silk Garden for the same reason;)
Janey said…
I bought lots of PY to brighten myself up, those colours are so bright and cheery!

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