
I have surfed the internet waves and fought rival pirates to bring back a haul of treasure to the good ship All Fingers and Thumbs. Normal score - great bargains - couldn't be missed - anyone know how Net Nanny works? - I think I should block Ebay :o)It's all the fault of the Cotton Glace which I've been keeping an eye out for. It is destined to become Agnes from Rowan 35.
Just off to check on my latest auctions, hmm - I mean work feverishly on my current projects!!


Seahorse said…
Oooooh! What lovely stash! *tapes clicky finger to desk*
Marianne said…
Those are some beautiful, gorgeous yarns....holy smokes!
Charity said…
Well done! If you have to lose control, at least you did it right! :0)
dreamcatcher said…
Love the yarns you got! ebay is like a drug, it really is, I have watches on a few things myself at the moment :-D
Sarah Ditum said…
That's a storming haul. You know, my bf is away this weekend: I could totally do some secret ebaying.

If my photographer co-operates, I'll get a pic of the bolero up tomorrow night. I hope it's worth the wait!
acrylik said…
Ooooh, gorgeous stash! I think there definitely should be some kind of Net Nanny to stop yarn purchases - I'd use it :D

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