The wonderful world of knitting

Taking up knitting has brought me so much more than I could ever have expected. I thought I'd enjoy the crafting and (hopefully :o)) the items but I never imagined that there was a whole secret world of knitting to explore and enjoy. From the first discoveries of online knitting magazines and blogs to podcasts and now this week Stitch n Bitching.

The fabulous BritKnitCast pointed me in the direction of the SnB website and Carrie Anne made groups like this sound such fun that I was determined to pluck up the courage and go along. I've never been the best at that sort of thing but blogging knitters seem so lovely and friendly that I was pretty sure I wouldn't get my head bitten off by the in the flesh version! My knitting friend from work was keen too so with safety in numbers we went along to The Jericho Cafe (great hot chocolate) on Wednesday evening and met some lovely and highly talented knitters. I had a great evening and lots of assistance on my heel shaping. Everyone was far more experienced than me and working on amazing projects but they were happy to help me out and encourage me along! I did need it as I'm not great at reading patterns and the heel took three attempts but is now done and I am on to the safety of the foot - yey!

Knitters are so delightfully generous with their knowledge and so encouraging of fellow adventurers in their secret world. A big thank you to everyone who writes blogs, designs and gives away patterns, makes podcasts and helps out fumbling beginners. I have been so encouraged and aided by everything that is out there (or what I have found of it so far - every day I hear of or find something new). It has made it possible for me to move onto sock knitting when I still envisaged I'd be on plain garter scarves.

There seems to be only one downside - the dent in my bank account! In the last week as well as my proper sock yarn I seem to have bought a couple of larger lots of top quality yarn from ebay.

I just don't know how it happened. All the mixed yarn for scarfs I could justify as it was all for Christmas pressies but already I have abandoned that and started on socks for myself. Now some beautiful Rowan Plaid, called Moonwave - I think I was half won over by the name - has found a home with me and also some mixed shades of Noro Silk Garden. I'm holding the online knitting community entirely responsible - all those beautiful stash pictures drove me to it!
I was trying to wait until after Christmas to buy a big lot of yarn (and ideally a budget one at that)as that was when I was planning to start a jumper project for me but these lovely yarns (there may be some Noro Iro in the post too!) just wouldn't be left unbought. I think I may make this tank top with some of the Silk Garden if I don't chicken out or find something more basic and I'm going to try and find a simple chunky long cardigan pattern for the Rowan but they really must wait until I've done some more scarves as pressies. I'm going to have a big knitting weekend, mmm heaven and get some more completed projects under my belt - maybe even the socks...


Sarah said…
I'm glad you are enjoying knitting. It is so great to find there is so much information and so many nice people out there. I've just joined a knitting group too!
acrylik said…
I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to the knitting group - isn't it fantastic to be able to sit and chat and share with other like minded people?

Oh yes, the bank account does get hit a bit... best not to mention that! ;)
Sarah said…
Thank you all for affirming once again how lovely and encouraging knitters are :)

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