
Showing posts from October, 2014

It Felt Love

It Felt Love - Hafiz How Did the rose Ever open its heart And give to this world All its Beauty? It felt the encouragement of light Against its Being Otherwise We all remain Too frightened

A treasury

A few weekends ago I found this little wooden tray or shelf at a jumble sale. I am so head over heels in love with it. For twenty English pennies I bought myself a holder for the tiny pieces of my collection of pretties from nature. It sits to the right of the tv on our mantelpiece and I spend much of the time I am supposedly watching a programme gazing in adoration at these little treasures. I had to share as I feel I am in danger of turning in to a hoarding miser a la Mr Scrooge. sat at home gloating over my riches! It seems fitting to feature it in a post of its own as there is a metaphor here for where this blog has headed; a space to hold the little pieces of life that I want to honour. With that extra clarity about what this blog is about these days I'll try not to let it get dusty in here just as I'll try to take the time to clean and curate this treasury.

It's just one day

It's my special day to myself day, each Friday beckons all week with its promise of plenty of time to do exactly what I please and yet by the time it arrives there are so many things to do (both a little dull and a lot lovely) and honestly, no energy for anything much. I'm finetuning the balance, starting a few chores, doing a little bit of a job to chip away at it, focusing on fun things. Above all reminding myself that it's just one day and a big part of the plan is to rest and recuperate! All of that perspective is a lot easier as I've 'achieved' something and got all the prep done for tonight's dinner of Aubergine-Almond Enchiladas . It was lovely, slow kitchen time that suited my mood perfectly. There have to be special somethings from these days so that they don't just disappear but the magic seems to be in trying out and finding the right something for the day.