Ordinary magical

Oh. This. Holiday! Photos are mostly trapped on my phone, words are swirling, both will be indulged in depth in this space I am sure. Till then two things I needed to celebrate today. 1) The moment of purest, everyday magic that opened up my day. A glorious ribbon of light, snaking in under the blind and held fleetingly in the gauzy curtain. I hope some of the wonder and awe I felt has been captured in the pixels above. It was joy. 2) I am returning each day to a poem that dropped in part in to my inbox in a newsletter (Thank you Heather Day http://heatherdaywellness.com/thisisme ) earlier this week. It says everything I most needed to hear that day and it makes me feel calm and whole and present to read it. (I haven't got a volume of Rumi's poetry so I am relying on various sources on the interwebs to cross reference (thank you!) for reproduction, they seem to agree and it's working for me) Response to your question - Rumi Why ask about behaviour when you are soul-ess...