First fitting

The trying on session yesterday went quite well; actually considering I might have been way off track it went really well. She fits nicely across the back and doesn't seem too snug around the front, I figure the double breasted effect gives a little room for manoeuvre here. It was definitely worth the fuss of putting the stitches on to yarn and giving it a try on as I did decide to put in some of the increases planned for further on straight away to give a little more ease around the chest. The session also confirmed my concerns about the length. After Cara's version I was already hoping to be able to lengthen her a little and having measured out where she would come to if I stuck to the pattern measurements she definitely needs a little more length for me. The only issue with this is how much yarn I will have as I didn't do the sensible thing and buy one skein over. My plan is to finish off the skein I am on and then go back and do the sleeves and collar; I can then retur...